In Canvas
Do you know you can edit all due dates on one page and save time?
Check out this article: How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?
If you receive too many notifications from courses other than your own, you can manage notifications for a single course. This option applies to students as well.
If you no longer wish to stay in a course where you were added manually or joined via “self-enroll”, you can leave the course by un-enrolling yourself under People. Please note that this option does not apply to LionPath courses.
If you wish to recover a student’s grades after the student has dropped the course, you can find them by viewing the inactive or concluded enrollment in the grade book.
Default grade posting: Whether you’d like to post assignment grades manually or as soon as a grade is entered in the grade book, you can set up the grade posting policy for the course by default.
If you’d like to uncover student activities in a Canvas course, two tools can help. They should be turned on first under course Settings > under the Feature Options tab > New Course and User Analytics or Quiz Log Auditing > change the red cross to green checkmark to enable the feature.
- Quiz Log Auditing allows you to investigate problems that a student may have when taking a quiz. The logs can be viewed as part of a student’s quiz results, see the article How do I view a quiz log.
- When New Analytics is enabled, the link will appear in Course Navigation by default. You may view learning activities by date, by submission, and in visual or table format. Data may take 24 hours to appear in New Analytics after enabling this feature, which means you can see course activity data retroactively. Check out the article How do I view Course Analytics.
Remote Assessment Templates on Canvas: There are six remote assessment Canvas module templates for conducting remote assessment depending on proctor needs. You can preview these templates by searching for “RemoteCourseOrientation” under your Canvas account > Commons. Feel free to import and adapt them to your course.
Behrend Academic Integrity Quiz: Thinking about including a quiz on academic integrity in your course? You can preview the quiz by searching for “Behrend Academic Integrity” under your Canvas account > Commons. Feel free to import and adapt them to your course.
Canvas traps to avoid
Do Not delete the automatically generated Roll Call Attendance if you plan to include this assignment in the grade book. Deleting it will break the link between the attendance record and how it is factored in the course grade. If you noticed a calculation error, please seek help from Behrend CTEI or Canvas Chat (24 x 7).
To provide a makeup opportunity for students who missed a quiz, do NOT duplicate or delete the existing quiz. Instead, use the Assign To feature to differentiate the availability of the quiz for these students. Refer to the Edit Quiz Details section of the article How do I assign a quiz to an individual student?
To extend the time given to a timed Canvas quiz while students are taking it, the instructor must use the Moderate the Quiz feature plus the blue clock button to make the change, refer to View Timed Quiz Current Attempt Time in the article How do I use Moderate Quiz. The instructor can either add more time to the current ending time or add more time from now. The bottom line is simply changing the end time under quiz settings will not work.
EquatIO makes digital equations easier
With EquatIO, you can type, handwrite or dictate math and chemistry expressions and formulas. EquatIO will convert the input to an accurate digital format which can be added into a Microsoft Word document, a PowerPoint slide, or G Suite apps. You may use handwriting, screenshots, speech input, or a photo to generate the digital version.
Check out this recorded workshop Using EquitIO to Read and Write equations. The input demos can be viewed at
- Handwriting input – time stamp 9:40
- Speech input – time stamp 10:30
- Photo input – time stamp 12:15. The picture-taking device must be logged on to the EquatIO site: Refer to 15:32 for how to set up.
- Screen capture input – time stamp 14:16
- Converting the input to LaTeX – time stamp 16:28
Create your own digital equation bank – Handwrite all equations needed for a module or a course on a piece of paper, take a picture with your phone, and batch convert these equations to the digital version. Now you have created your own digital equation bank, and you can withdraw any equations whenever you need them!
Students need to be notified when a Zoom class is being recorded. You can make the recording disclaimer automatic under your Zoom Account so the system does the work for you. Check out this article: Enabling the Recording Disclaimer.