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Is the 6th week too early to collect student feedback? 

No. This is the right time if you haven’t done it earlier. Please be aware that the SRTE form will be available for students at the beginning of the 14th week (check its availability this semester).  Collecting feedback now will allow both you and your students the time needed for adjustments. Do not assume “No news is good news.”

What questions to ask? 

  • Here is an example question sheet from the Behrend faculty community. Please feel free to use or change as you see appropriate.
  • Basically, you want to include questions that will elicit meaningful input on the course. It could be a general item such as the pace of the course, or on a specific approach such as the helpfulness of small group work in class. Encourage detailed feedback so that you will know what to work on and how to adjust to the current group of students.
  • You can include questions that make students think about their learning approach, study habit, time management, and changes they need to make.
  • You may also include rating items from previous SRTE forms that you’d like to improve. Make sure to include an open comment question for students to write the details.
  • If you need help to build or administer an online anonymous feedback form on Qualtrics, please contact us.

What to do with student input? 

  • Students have to know that their voices are heard in order to recognize that you care.  When they see you listen, they are more likely to respond again at the end of the semester.
  • It is recommended that you respond to students in the next class meeting: thank them for the input, share with students the big themes of their feedback, and let students know what to expect in the remainder of the course. Explain why certain things will or will not change and tell them why, and how your decisions will benefit their learning. It’s also good to share effective learning strategies from your own students.